06 - Printing

How to connect to printers? ​
Hong Kong Office  By default, IT installed the printer drivers for your computer. You only select appropriate MFP for printing.  Windows Platform : R...
Fri, 23 Aug, 2019 16:25
How to collect my print out? ​
Hong Kong Office To get the printout, go to nearby MFP, just hold your staff card over the reader beside the MFP. ​
Fri, 23 Aug, 2019 16:26
CN - 如何连接到打印机?
上海办公室打印机连接 默认情况下,IT部门已为您的计算机配置了打印机,您只能选择适当的多功能一体机进行打印。 IMXCN 6F-C 支持彩色打印,每个人有独立的打印账号 IMXCN 6F-F 仅支持黑白打印,每个人有独立账号密码与IMXCN 6F-C账号密码...
Mon, 29 Apr, 2024 10:54